? SHIPYARD DOOR - Atex Doors
Atex Doors

Atex Doors

Designed for explosive atmospheres ATEX specifically, doors, high heat resistant and long lasting . One of the special door model is Shipyarddo the door , you can check automatically. Sizes according the ATEX doors designed to your needs , is designed to keep a high level of security . Is seen as an emergency exit door.
Atex doors, separating the escape route with explosive Environments , providing security of buildings located within the fire protection is one of the most importante parts. Atex doors, high temperature resistant material, covered with seals that PreVent any leakage , which can be used quickly and Easily thanks to the panic bar , turned in the direction of escape is designed to create custom door.
Atex doors, according the to the Regulations , the area Produced with certificates . Spring for a system that can be opened and closed automatically. Both the building and the person from providing the security of the system at the beginning of the income is .
Standard valve -type single leaf fire doors, double wing can be Produced in various sizes. Fire doors, emergency exit doors located at the corridor systems can be offered here are equipped with panic bars optional panic when we opened the door staff can be up to allow Easily and quickly leave the scene .

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